27 June 2012


Parchís board with the crests of the four principle futbol clubs of Colombia

Spanish Rules:

1. Single die is used.

2. A roll of 6 is considered 'doubles' and is awarded an additional roll. This applies even if a player's pawns are not yet all entered onto the board. When all a player's pawns are on the board a rolled '6' is 'doubles' but instead of moving 6 spaces the pawn is moved 7 (thus, being six spaces ahead of another player with all his pawns on the board is actually a safe position to be in as 6s can no longer be rolled, only 7s). If three consecutive 6's are rolled the last pawn to be moved is sent home (not the furthest pawn on the board).

3. A player's entry space is also a safe space for other player's pawns. Only when there are two other pawns on a player's entry space is a pawn captured when a 5 is rolled and the pawn enters. If, for example, there is a green and red pawn on blue's entry space and blue rolls a 5 to enter, it is the last pawn to arrive on the blue's entry space that is captured. A blockade on blue's entry space by two red pawns, for example, does not block blue from entering. A roll of 5 would capture one of the red pawns, leaving the other red pawn to share the space with the blue pawn.

4. When a player is moving his final pawn up the safe area to his 'Home' a roll of the die that does not get him Home is still used. For example, if a pawn is 3 spaces from Home and a 5 is rolled the pawn would move the three available spaces, then touch Home as a fourth space, and then move back a space to the final space before the Home. Rolling repeated 'doubles' with a single pawn on the board on his Home ladder can in some cases push a pawn back out from the player's safe area and onto the playing board.


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