23 December 2010

Soy un Periodista

The owner of the hostel encouraged us to go to a government building called La Fez and present ourselves there as members of the press. As journalists we would be given press passes which would allow us to get in free to all the feria events. For years now the hostel owner has been successfully sending people to get passes for themselves.

The German girls and I took a taxi to the centro to La Fez and we were told that this year the granting of press passes had been discontinued. We would need to use our own press credentials to get into events. The Israeli girl had asked a few days earlier and been told the same thing and for this reason had been talking about forging a press pass.

Back at the hostel the Israeli and I got on the computer and found an example press pass and with a little editing made a couple of passes for ourselves. We found a photocopy shop on Avenida Sexta and for 3,400 pesos ($1.75) had the passes printed and laminated into hard plastic cards. They are the size of a credit card and look and feel official. With the right attitude and confidence I think they'll get us into most events and I'm hoping the bullfights in particular. Everyone at the hostel is now bugging me to make press passes for them.



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